Stomach Exercises with Weights

Stomach Exercises with Weights
Looking for stomach exercises with weights? You can end your search here, as this article will provide you with some of the best stomach exercises!
A toned and flat tummy is what every woman and man craves for. Actually, the aim is six pack abs, but the big paunch makes the dream too distant! One needs to first start with simple stomach exercises with weights that can help to lose belly fat. One good thing about these exercises is that they don't only help decrease belly fat, but it also helps to tone the stomach muscles! Crunches and other similar abdominal exercises are the basic exercises, when these exercise do not seem 'exercises' anymore, one should start stomach workouts with weights. However, if you are a beginner, do not directly start with weights. For others, start with simple weights like dumbbells. The following mentioned belly fat exercises are some of the basic exercises with weights, which do not need to be performed under supervision, you can perform these exercises at home itself.

Stomach Workouts with Weights
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Ab Crunch with Dumbbells: When it comes to fat burning exercise, there is no option for crunches! This is a simple variation of the normal crunches we do. To perform this exercise, lie on the exercise mattress with your knees bent. Keep the feet flat on the floor and hold your arms straight over your head, exactly in the line with your ears. Hold only one dumbbell in your hand. Now exhale and squeeze in your abs while you perform the crunch. Your shoulders should be lifted up, so crunch high enough. Doing only two sets of about 12 repetitions is enough for a couple of days. After a week or so, you can work up to three sets of about 15 repetitions.

Russian Twist: You will need a medicine ball for this exercise, medicine balls are available in sports shops. To perform this exercise, keep your feet shoulder-width apart and stand straight. Hold the ball in front of you, make sure your hands are completely extended. Now slowly move your upper body entirely to your right and left sides, do not bend your back even slightly. The head should also remain in line with the medicine ball. Make sure your lower body does not move at all. You can do this exercise even while sitting, do the same procedure, but with your knees folded. With your elbows slightly bended, rotate your ball from the left side to the right side. Two sets of 10 repetitions are enough.

Hanging Knee Raises: This lower ab exercise with weights will help you get rid of the question, 'how to tone your stomach with weights'. To perform this exercise, hang from a chin up bar. Your legs should stay off the floor, you can hang on any bar which can help you achieve this. While you are hanging, slowly bring your knees to your chest, hold the position for a few seconds and then lower them again, while lowering the legs, lower them with a jerk. After a break of 2 seconds, repeat it again. One important tip, do not swing your legs as this will create momentum which will make the workout less effective. Repeat it as many times as you can.

Parallel Bar Abdominal Knee Raises: To perform this exercise, hold yourself up on parallel bars. Your legs and forearms should hang straight down. Using your stomach, pull your legs towards your chest. While you are raising your legs up, push your upper body towards your knees. When your legs are at the top, squeeze your abs, hold the position for 2 seconds, and then lower your legs.

These were some of the best stomach exercises with weights. Perform all these stomach exercises for men and women regularly to get rid of the belly fat. Remember, only consistency pays off. So now you know exactly which weights you will require for the belly fat exercise, so what are waiting for? Rush to your nearest sports store and buy all the required equipment.
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I create this website to help people Like me in make their Life better and more healthy, I started fat burning exercises blog in 2009 to let people know that it is possible to lose fat easily , yes I did it and you can :) . I have the Experience to teach you how to lose fat , weight , and make your body awesome . I spend 4 years to Learn these stuffs and I want to share t with you in this blog ,.

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