Wind/Unwind Exercise

Wrist Strengthening Exercises
Here are some wrist strengthening exercises, which will help in keeping the wrists strong, healthy and flexible.

We spend a good part of our day at our workplace. Be it, a white collar job which involves the constant usage of computers, or a blue collar job which involves manual work, our wrist and hands are constantly being moved and used. Since our wrist is a very complex but delicate joint made up of eight bones, it is more liable to face pains and injuries. Here are a few exercises, which will keep your wrists from facing any mis-eventuality such as a wrist joint pain.

Warm-up Exercise
Here's a warm up exercise which will make your wrists flexible and strong. It simply involves rotating your hand from the wrist, 10 times in one direction and 10 times in the opposite direction. It is a good warm up exercise to avoid injury, before you begin the comparatively more strenuous ones.Read more click here!

Hand Gripper Exercise
A hand gripper strengthens the wrist and hand muscles. Hold the hand gripper in one hand. Now, use your hand and finger strength to make the handles of the hand gripper meet. Repeat this ten times initially. Later you may increase it two sets of ten repetitions each.

Chinese Hand Balls Exercise
Chinese handballs made up of glass, marble, bronze and steel , are available in varied sizes. Choose the size that you can hold easily. Keeping your forearm parallel to the ground, hold two balls in one hand. With your fingers, rotate the two balls on your palm. Move the balls both clockwise and anti clockwise. Continue this for two minutes, then change the hand. You may increase the time to five minutes after a few days. You can do this work while sitting in office. It is one of those exercises which has many other benefits too, such as, it can provide relief to people suffering from arthritis or rheumatism in wrist joints. It strengthens the hand and the forearm as well. Besides Chinese hand balls, Chinese massage rings are also used in strengthening the wrists.

Wind/Unwind Exercise
This exercise can be easily performed at home and without any equipment. Simply tie an object with minimum 2 kg weight, such as, a two liter water bottle to one end of a long rope. Take the other end of the rope and tie it in the middle of a steel pipe. The steel pipe should not be more than two feet wide. Now hold the steel pipe from near its ends and try to wind up the rope, by twisting your wrist and hands. When the rope is fully winded, unwind it by using the same procedure. Repeat three times.

Dumbbell Exercise
Dumbbell exercises are very beneficial for the body. Take one dumbbell of moderate weight. If you are a beginner, use a light-weight dumbbell. Rest your forearms on a table or bench. Hold the dumbbells in both the hands, with the palms facing the floor. Now lift the dumbbell by using only your wrists. Remember not to overstretch. Now bring the dumbbells back to the starting position. Repeat this at least ten times. This is known as wrist curls and is done to strengthen the wrist muscles and the upper side of the forearm. The same exercise can be done by making the palms facing upwards instead of the floor. These are known as the reverse curls and they help in strengthening the lower part of the forearm along with the wrist. Ideally, exercises such as wrist curls and reverse curls, should be done twenty times, i.e. two sets of ten repetitions each.Read more click here!

These are some exercises, which will not only strengthen the wrists but also the fingers, hands and forearms. Including these in your exercise programs will ensure that next time, you won't have a problem carrying weights or opening a stubborn lid of a jar.




I create this website to help people Like me in make their Life better and more healthy, I started fat burning exercises blog in 2009 to let people know that it is possible to lose fat easily , yes I did it and you can :) . I have the Experience to teach you how to lose fat , weight , and make your body awesome . I spend 4 years to Learn these stuffs and I want to share t with you in this blog ,.

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