Foods should be avoided after exercise

Foods should be avoided after exercise
Know a lot of women the importance of adhering to a healthy diet and regular exercise to resolve the problem of excess weight loss, so we offer you the next lines to find out what foods and drinks should be avoided after exercise?.

- Avoid eating carbohydrates for two hours after the completion of the exercise:
Experts advise to avoid eating sugary drinks, especially fruit juices that contain fructose after exercise, where experts physiology measuring the level of growth hormone human after work exercise for two hours and noticed a definite decline in hormone and when eating sweetened beverages.

In a benefit more than your daily sports you should reduce calories from carbohydrates that give the body a high percentage of sugar, which spread rapidly in the blood and avoiding this kind of calories will you lose weight quickly.

- Avoid sweetened drinks and fruit juice:
Of the most common mistakes among practitioners of the sport is sugary drinks and fruit juices after the completion of the exercise and the belief that it keeps them in good health. Experts believe that the water and iced tea unsweetened is the best choice to hydrate the body and compensation for loss of water after exercising.

- Pasta, bread, sweets and junk food:
Tend many to eat after the completion of exercise, where sends body special reference to the brain in order to obtain food and as a result of this heading ladies a quick meal containing a high proportion of sugar and carbohydrates, which is a catalog of blunders because fast food food is unhealthy for any who cares about preserving his health and losing excess weight, fast food lost the positive benefits of exercise also turns the carbohydrates they contain bread, pasta, crackers and candy to sugar immediately and have the same effect sweetened beverages. You can replace these foods: protein, fat and foods that contain a high proportion of fiber, such as: nuts, grains, meat and vegetables, these types of foods, it is marked feel Ms. satiety quickly and gives the maximum benefit from the exercise.Read more click here



I create this website to help people Like me in make their Life better and more healthy, I started fat burning exercises blog in 2009 to let people know that it is possible to lose fat easily , yes I did it and you can :) . I have the Experience to teach you how to lose fat , weight , and make your body awesome . I spend 4 years to Learn these stuffs and I want to share t with you in this blog ,.

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