Top 10 foods for weight loss

Top 10 foods for weight loss
Represents Dieting and weight loss dream when a lot of girls who suffer from obesity and excessive weight gain, so the quest for a way to lose weight is a their goals, so we will prepare you the most important foods that give you a feeling of fullness once addressed feel with satiety and fullness, and give you a sense of satiety for a longer period: .

Because many of us search for a way to weight loss, this range of choices available to us to choose nutritious foods that make us feel fullness, Gateway reported Online to be easier for us to choose foods that reduce appetite for foods and make us feel fullness.

• Food feeling of fullness:
1. Oats: characterized dish oats riches in fiber, especially when eaten within breakfast as us feel full for a long time, as it is rich in protein and you can add fruit to oatmeal with milk dish for a complete nutritious meal.

2. Apples: Apples can give a sense of satiety parallel so that we get a full meal so rich in fiber and high percentage of water in it.

3. Grain: enough pills for less than the amount of other foods that can be addressed due to its rich complex carbohydrates that requires digested longer. Also features a rich protein.

4. Nuts: is a mix of proteins, fats, fiber and best walnuts, almonds and pistachios, but that does not mean that it can eat large amounts of them, but enough to eat a bunch of them due to its richness in thermal units.

5. Yoghurt skim: can control the feeling of hunger eating a cup of milk (yogurt) skim, it contains 17 grams of protein, where nutritionists advised eating yoghurt especially in the evening.

6. Avocado: It is true that contain fat, but fat healthy monounsaturated, there is no problem in eating, and the presence of these fats helps to slow down the speed of digestion in the body, also contains avocado on folate, potassium, vitamin E, while Recent studies have shown that foods this rich food ingredients may give a sense of satiety more than the other.

7. Eggs: compared to 70 calories per contain egg, contains 6 grams of protein, one study has shown that eating eggs within breakfast helps to reduce weight as well as something to offer to the body of energy.

8. Soup: Studies have shown that foods that contain a high percentage of water make us feel full for a longer period, and this is one of the features of soup which recommended capturing within the basic meal gives the body sufficient warning just finished eating the dish. The best soup is that rich vegetables.

9. Authority: The authority gives a sense of sufficiency for a small amount of calories they contain so that eating salad at the beginning of the main meal helps to reduce the amount of calories that can be the tendency to eat from other foods.

10. Potatoes: Studies have shown that potatoes are the main foods that make us feel full for a longer period of being gives a sense of fullness three times more of the foods normal but this only applies to potatoes prepared in a healthy way, it has been shown that the fries make us feel hungry too fast unlike those grilled or boiled. Read more click here



I create this website to help people Like me in make their Life better and more healthy, I started fat burning exercises blog in 2009 to let people know that it is possible to lose fat easily , yes I did it and you can :) . I have the Experience to teach you how to lose fat , weight , and make your body awesome . I spend 4 years to Learn these stuffs and I want to share t with you in this blog ,.

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