10 Tips for proper diet

10 Tips for proper diet

The first advice: Drink plenty of water and drinks nature that do not contain additives

Many of us confuse hunger and thirst, often dealing a lot of food, while eating a cup of water, cold is what we need, and do not even feel one of us are bored of drinking water, can drink juices nature without any additions or drinks that do not contain calories.
The second advice: It is important to look for what needs to be added to diet, not what should be eliminated from the diet

It is important to know that the slightest thing can be taken daily is five fruits of fruit or vegetables a day, do not forget also eat a piece of meat without fat even provide you with nutrients that the body needs, and also you eat more than half of the foods Dieting during the day and not at night, eating fruit and vegetables makes the body more purity, and makes blood rolling always, and re for Alogiat fatty filled fat, it also contains many of the vitamins necessary for the body, and the fact that many countries of the world depends population mainly on eating fruits, making them less vulnerable to disease.
Third homily: Dining and you are really hungry

We have to eat when we feel really hungry, many of us eating it for Egged something occupied or because eating him feel psychological comfort, you you know you are actually hungry and need food, and only then eat your food, but do not overdo the eating so are not given your stomach over its need, the human stomach by a fist, so we do not eat a lot of food so as not to fill up on the latest
Fourth homily: Try not to eat during the night

Often we eat after dinner with that we have throughout the day, we can eat it, many of us have the time comfort after dinner takes a rest, but we sit down to rest in front of the TV and us bag huge chips or fast food, we really can not imagine how we take while watching TV or sitting in front of a computer, do not stop yourself, you can deal with small pieces of biscuits, which contains a low-calorie or you can eat ice cream is light and free of fat.
Fifth homily: eating your favorite food

Do not try to prevent yourself from eating your favorite foods and graduating from your accounts when you put a program of diet, this will be a cause because stop Dieting and return quickly to address your favorite food and soon will lose confidence in the completion of the accursed, you just have to put limits on your favorite food, if you You love to eat cakes, well eat one piece instead of dealing with a lot of them, and if you like to have biscuits you can deal with one piece of it, rather than full gobble package.
Sixth advice: Try to spend times you stop for food outside the home.

You can come out a little picnicking or go to a Coffee Shop during what are you turned off the hunger and self when you feel hungry, it is important that reside outside the home if they found that there overeat at home may have to be addressed, and while you can not get out of the house you can that dealing with fruits instead of weighing your stomach fat.
Seventh advice: Eat a few small meals each day.

When dealing with food containing a small amount of calories, of course, will lose a lot of weight, you have to always feel hungry, it's not an easy process, of course, and Studies demonstrate that Alvetn taking of 4: 5 and snacks a day are better able to control their appetites as they enjoy weight best, it is best to divide the calories needed by the body daily for several meals to be taken up during the day and be the last meal is dinner.
Eighth advice: protein at every meal

It is important to address the protein more than carbohydrates and fat, it's the key to any diet to reduce weight and get perfect body, and meals containing protein, with practitioners simple exercises help you a lot in reducing weight, helps protein on the growth of the body and works to strengthen the muscles as he burn fat, You can eat cheese and drink milk to get protein.
Advice the ninth: make your food "burner"

You can add some spice that you prefer and especially pepper for food, this makes you accept your light meal in the same satisfied as it away from fatty meals.
Tenth homily: Stay away from fast food restaurants

Stay away from fast food restaurants, not because it does not help to complete the accursed peacefully but because they are injurious to your health, too, that those meals served and the rapid restaurants do not make you feel satiety nor do they provide the body with what you need from the basic elements, you can prepare you a quick meal House.
For example:
Popcorn calorie-free
Issuance of boiled chicken
Beans rapid preparation
Brown rice .Read more click here



I create this website to help people Like me in make their Life better and more healthy, I started fat burning exercises blog in 2009 to let people know that it is possible to lose fat easily , yes I did it and you can :) . I have the Experience to teach you how to lose fat , weight , and make your body awesome . I spend 4 years to Learn these stuffs and I want to share t with you in this blog ,.

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