Daily simple tricks to lose weight

Daily simple tricks to lose weight
Do you want less traffic and a greater weight loss?! ... We will give you some tricks that you can do throughout the week you notice weight loss on the weekend without any significant effort, so that you can lose 2 to 3 kilos per week Once you follow these tips ...
Discard the additives in fatty food: For example, when dealing with a national peanut butter dispose of additional oil over butter, and to learn to get rid of this oil means a loss of 20 calories and 2.3 grams of fat, and you can follow the advice with all foods that contain oils such as tuna.
Focus on fiber intake: The lack of fiber intake adequate for the body cause weight gain, forget cakes, crisps and eat a cup of popcorn low-fat, where contains Popcorn on 90 calories per 6 cups and a lot of fiber necessary for a healthy body and integrity of the process of digestion.
Marcy dance instead of jogging: The dance tunes fast effective way to burn calories, for every hour dance will burn your body from 400 to 500 calories, which is equivalent to light jogging on the treadmill hard.
National lifting weights while walking: nationalist walking and lifting weights together, then Zaidi weights in each time, or you can put a bag over your back when jogging abroad to further loss of calories and raise the efficiency of the muscles.
Stay away from eating at night: Avoid light meal in the evening can reduce your weight significantly, if you are very hungry you can have a snack of fruit and so will not eat too much at dinner.
Eat light meals and healthy during the day: Fill your stomach with healthy foods and snacks between meals foods such as carrots, apples, wholemeal bread, fiber, which helps to burn calories when digestion.
Follow these simple tricks daily and tell us the results of your weight loss.Read more click here



I create this website to help people Like me in make their Life better and more healthy, I started fat burning exercises blog in 2009 to let people know that it is possible to lose fat easily , yes I did it and you can :) . I have the Experience to teach you how to lose fat , weight , and make your body awesome . I spend 4 years to Learn these stuffs and I want to share t with you in this blog ,.

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