Exercise when you wake up and before sleep

Exercise when you wake up and before going to sleep
* Exercise of the house (exercise when you wake up and before going to sleep):
This useful exercise the muscles of the arms, as it helps the flow of liquid in them and keeping fit.
Is not to exercise five times a day:
- When you wake up.
- Before lunch.
- During the period of rest and have a cup of tea or coffee.
More about tea etiquette ..
More about coffee and caffeine ..
- Before dinner.
- And before going to sleep.
But the best timing for the exercise of this exercise when you wake up in the morning and before going to sleep at night, in order to get rid of the fluid accumulated in the stomach and in the chest area and allow the liquid to the arm to distract.

* Exercise:
- The practice of this exercise in the sitting position.
- To ensure the integrity of the back muscles.
- Drape both arms so that elbows out of the body, and hands close to the chest area.
- Individual hands out slowly, like welcoming a friend and you will embracing.
- During individual hands, is taking a deep breath.
- Taking a deep breath and hold on individual arms abroad and handed down to the maximum rear mode.
- Stay on this position for a few seconds with holding your breath.
- Relax in this situation.
- And then take a deep breath and hands to put them back the original bend elbows and stability of the hands on the chest area.
- Steps exercise is performed slowly and rather quickly.
- Frequent exercise five times. To read more click here 



I create this website to help people Like me in make their Life better and more healthy, I started fat burning exercises blog in 2009 to let people know that it is possible to lose fat easily , yes I did it and you can :) . I have the Experience to teach you how to lose fat , weight , and make your body awesome . I spend 4 years to Learn these stuffs and I want to share t with you in this blog ,.

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